Marketing Math & Funnel Economics

Back to school season means brushing up on the three Rs – writing, reading and arithmetic so I’m sharing this marketing math infographic by Aberdeen Group.  It shows the typical conversion rates at each stage of the marketing and sales funnel.

It’s been a while since I took arithmetics but if my calculations are correct it takes over 3,000 website visitors to get just 1 closed deal.  Breaking it down, that’s 3,000 visitors to get: 150 contacts, 33 MQLs, 12 SALs, 4 opportunities and 1 closed deal.

This goes to show 3 things:

  1. How narrow and steep the funnel really is for B2B marketers
  2. How you need to measure your lead gen funnel against benchmarks or you’ll have no idea what to focus on
  3. How critical it is to optimize every conversion point and fix lead leaks in your funnel

Speaking of leaky funnels, go check out and use our marketing math calculator to see how small changes in conversion can make a big impact on your bottom line.

Lead to Sale Metrics

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